I was proud to be a member of the first fellowship program at the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I was deeply affected by the 2008 financial crisis and had followed Elizabeth Warren, the Dodd-Frank act and the founding of the CFPB.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau had existed for less than two years when I started. Its website and applications had all been rushed into existence to fulfill their requirements by Congress. The team I was assigned to was tasked with overhauling the public site and bringing it up to modern design standards. Before the fellowship began the CFPB had contracted IDEO to do a ton of research for them so we had an extremely rich amount of research to pull from. As part of the larger design fellowship team at the CFPB we created all the layout and interaction patterns that you largely still see in use today at

As a fun little extra I created a silly 404 page with canvas that never got used but I personally think was super fun. You can check out the interactive version here, I did some fun illustration and mapping to make the flashlight not just move around with the mouse but reorient a bit.